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At "Best US Fertility Clinics", we provide a crucial service in the complex world of fertility healthcare. Our team is dedicated to researching, ranking, and reviewing fertility clinics across the United States. We delve deep into the intricacies of each clinic, from success rates and cost, to patient experience and medical staff credentials. Our objective is to offer comprehensive and impartial information to assist couples and individuals in making informed decisions on their fertility journey. Understanding the significance of each decision in this process, we meticulously analyze each clinic, ensuring our rankings are accurate and up-to-date. We employ a rigorous methodology which includes a broad range of criteria such as treatment options, patient care and technology employed, among others. We invite you to explore our rankings, which serve as a valuable tool in navigating the myriad of fertility clinic options. Our commitment to transparency and accuracy is unwavering, and we strive to be your trusted source of information in this space. We understand that the fertility landscape evolves rapidly, hence, we adjust our rankings quarterly to reflect these changes. Our primary motivation is the aspiration to simplify your search, and aid you in finding the clinic best suited to your unique needs. Trust us to guide you through your fertility journey, simplifying complex choices and providing clarity in the midst of uncertainty.

  • Success Rate

  • Patient Experience

  • Medical Team Expertise

  • Range of Services

  • Cost Transparency

  • Ethics and Transparency

National reach, serving patients in the United States


A minimum of 10 years experience in fertility care and research


A minimum of 500 successful pregnancies in the previous three years

Key questions to consider before choosing a US fertility clinic
What type of fertility treatments and services does the clinic provide?
The fertility clinic you are looking at can provide a wide range of treatments and services, depending on your individual needs. In general, many clinics offer basic fertility tests and evaluations, as well as more specialized procedures such as ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg freezing. Additionally, they may also provide counselling for couples with infertility issues or those considering donor sperm or egg donation. Some clinics may even offer pre-implantation genetic testing to ensure the highest quality embryos are chosen for transfer during IVF cycles. Furthermore, some clinics have dedicated surrogacy programs to help intended parents achieve their dream of building a family through gestational surrogacy; these programs often include legal support and psychological counselling throughout the process. Ultimately it is important to research each clinic’s website thoroughly so you can find one that offers all the treatment options you need; this way you can make sure that your journey toward parenthood is tailored to meet your specific needs!
Are the doctors board-certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and do they have a high success rate for their treatments?
When considering a fertility clinic, it is important to ask whether the doctors are board-certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Board certification ensures that the physicians have advanced knowledge in this specialized field, and helps ensure excellent care for patients. Additionally, success rates for treatments should also be taken into account; many clinics publish their success rates on their websites or through other resources. It is important to look at more than just one statistic when evaluating a clinic's track record, however—it is essential to consider both clinical pregnancy rates as well as live birth rates when evaluating outcomes. Furthermore, if possible it can be helpful to gain insight from current or past patients of the clinic about their experiences with treatment and care there. Ultimately, by researching these criteria carefully, you can get an accurate picture of which fertility clinics offer quality care with impressive success rates.
Does the clinic offer financial assistance or help with insurance coverage for fertility treatment?
The answer to the question of whether a particular fertility clinic offers financial assistance or help with insurance coverage for fertility treatment depends on the specific clinic in question. Many clinics provide some form of financial aid, such as discounts for cash pay customers, payment plans or loans. Additionally, many clinics have knowledgeable staff who can help navigate insurance policies and determine what may be covered in terms of treatments; however this is not always the case. Some clinics also partner with organizations that provide grants to assist with fertility treatments, so it's worth inquiring about those as well. Ultimately, it's best to contact any prospective clinic directly and ask about their fees and any available financing options they may offer; this should give you a better understanding of their policies and procedures regarding financial assistance for fertility treatments.

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Zero-Error Content : Crafted by Jonathan Parker , polished by Harper Miller , and evaluated by Lucia Anderson | All rights reserved.